My Pledge

I pledge to be fiscally responsible, protective of individual rights, attentive to local needs, supportive of families, and responsive to constituents.

Contributions may be made
c/o Andrew Robertson fiscal agent - PO Box 498 - Northwood, NH 03261 or online at ACT BLUE.

FB: Maureen Mann-NH House of Representatives Contact:

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Today is the special election for state representative for Rockingham 32 [Candia, Deerfield, Northwood, Nottingham]. Need your votes.

Meanwhile, whatever the results your support has been AMAZING. I may not have Rick Perry or Carly Fiorina or Marilinda Garcia or Kelly Ayotte going door to door with me, or the Koch Brothers funding my campaign, but I have you.  Thank you.

Monday, May 11, 2015

Endorsement from the NH Alliance of Retired Americans

The New Hampshire Alliance for Retired Americans, representing more than 13,000 retirees, older Americans, and community activists throughout our great state of New Hampshire, endorses your candidacy for State Representative for Rockingham District 32, the towns of Candia, Deerfield, Northwood and Nottingham. 
Your positions demonstrate a strong commitment to improve the quality of life for all New Hampshire citizens.  Your proven track record in the New Hampshire House and your unwavering dedication to economic and social justice have earned you the respect of your neighbors, constituents and our organization. 
We thank you for co-sponsoring HB 1555 during the 2014 legislative session.  This bill provides protection for seniors, disabled and impaired adults, making it a crime punishable by imprisonment to exploit them in any financial manner.   Your continued advocacy, leadership and ability to work across the aisle in the New Hampshire State House will ensure that quality of life programs will be around for current and future generations.  Your involvement in your community, including cooking and serving meals to Deerfield seniors, being a library trustee and helping to start The Forum, a newspaper that has for 10 years provided local news to the four towns in Rockingham 32, has helped to make this area a better place to live. 
In closing, our members support your candidacy because you have proved that you will work to protect the rights of all our citizens and to safeguard our environment. If we can be of assistance, please contact Lucy Edwards, President of New Hampshire Alliance for Retired Americans.  We congratulate you on earning our endorsement.
Lucy Edwards, President Jane Lang, Executive Vice President

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Letter to the Editor: Concord Monitor on Constituent Services

I believe the job of an elected official is to represent the interests of constituents and the people of New Hampshire and not to promote a political agenda.

While proud to be a Democrat, I can rightly claim to have worked across the aisle to get results. After two years of work, I was able to get a traffic signal installed at the intersection of Routes 107 and 4. Prior to my taking the lead, Republicans in Rockingham District 32 had been asked for years to deal with this dangerous intersection. None did. Since that light was installed, there has not been one fatal accident there.

At the request of constituents in Northwood and Nottingham, I sponsored legislation giving communities more control of resources, and concerning large groundwater withdrawals.

At the request of constituents in Northwood, I sponsored legislation giving abutters control of a dam at Jenness Pond.

At the request of constituents in Deerfield, I sponsored legislation reclassifying Pleasant Lake as a class A lake.

At the request of a constituent in Candia, I sponsored legislation concerning home wine making and promotion of New Hampshire-made products.

At the request of a constituent in Deerfield, I sponsored legislation seeking labeling of genetically engineered foods.

I have co-sponsored legislation with Republicans calling for cameras on state police, decriminalization of marijuana, disclosure of “model” legislation and transparency in campaign funding. I am particularly proud of co-sponsoring legislation [HB 155-2014]demanding stiffer penalties for neglect and exploitation of the elderly and disabled.


Saturday, May 2, 2015

Endorsement by NEA-NH

Maureen Mann, a former educator and state representative, has been endorsed by the New Hampshire affiliate of the National Education Association – a union representing educators in public schools and universities – in the May 19 special election for Rockingham District 32, which encompasses Candia, Deerfield, Northwood, and Nottingham.

“I’m honored to have the support of my fellow educators,” Mann said. “As a former public school teacher, I know how important it is to make sure the public’s tax dollars schools are spent on keeping our public schools well-staffed and properly-equipped.” 

Mann, who has served 2.5 terms in the New Hampshire legislature, has a long record of advocating for properly funding the state’s public K-12 schools and universities. If elected, she has pledged to fight for a budget that ensures state dollars are used to fund public schools, rather than religious and private schools.

“Too many educators are forced to pay out of pocket for basic supplies that their students depend on, and education cuts will further downshift state responsibilities to our teachers,” Mann said. “Our government must properly provide for our public schools, so that they remain some of the best schools in the nation. Students and parents deserve nothing less.”

Mann, who won her March 31 primary uncontested, has also won the support of the American Federation of Teachers for the May 19 special election in Rockingham District 32.

Thanks for Your Support Jim Hadley

LTE In the Suncook Sun:

 Having read recent letters regarding the special election for state representative I needed to respond. The contest is between former state representative Maureen Mann of Deerfield and a newcomer, Northwood’s Yvonne Dean-Bailey, a soon to be full-time student at UNH.

The most recent letter by Ms. Dean-Bailey talks about ‘the success of the NH House passed budget’. One of the successes she claims is that there are no new taxes or fees imposed at the state level. However, she fails to mention that the House passed budget and related bills downshifts new taxes and expenses onto local property taxpayers. NH already has the third highest property tax rate in the country behind New Jersey and Illinois. Putting NH on the road to being #1 in property taxes should not be considered a successful budget.

The House passed budget makes sweeping cuts to state agencies that provide services to the elderly, disabled, the homeless, and the working poor. Their passed budget also discontinues New Hampshire’s expansion of Medicaid where 37,000 people will no longer have affordable access to healthcare. One would think that cutting these programs that are a lifeline for so many of our vulnerable citizens would be a difficult decision to make. Not so for the majority of House Republicans in Concord.

In a recent order issued by the NH Public Utilities Commission on April 17, it mentions that ‘the average retail price of electricity in New England is the highest in the continental US’. The House Republications voted to raid the dedicated funds which were earmarked for renewable energy projects for $50 million. They also voted to empty the state’s rainy day fund for $10 million. These actions were ill-conceived and short-sighted. Not considered successful by any means.

Please vote for Maureen Mann, a voice of reason.      

Jim Hadley