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Saturday, May 2, 2015

Endorsement by NEA-NH

Maureen Mann, a former educator and state representative, has been endorsed by the New Hampshire affiliate of the National Education Association – a union representing educators in public schools and universities – in the May 19 special election for Rockingham District 32, which encompasses Candia, Deerfield, Northwood, and Nottingham.

“I’m honored to have the support of my fellow educators,” Mann said. “As a former public school teacher, I know how important it is to make sure the public’s tax dollars schools are spent on keeping our public schools well-staffed and properly-equipped.” 

Mann, who has served 2.5 terms in the New Hampshire legislature, has a long record of advocating for properly funding the state’s public K-12 schools and universities. If elected, she has pledged to fight for a budget that ensures state dollars are used to fund public schools, rather than religious and private schools.

“Too many educators are forced to pay out of pocket for basic supplies that their students depend on, and education cuts will further downshift state responsibilities to our teachers,” Mann said. “Our government must properly provide for our public schools, so that they remain some of the best schools in the nation. Students and parents deserve nothing less.”

Mann, who won her March 31 primary uncontested, has also won the support of the American Federation of Teachers for the May 19 special election in Rockingham District 32.

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