My Pledge

I pledge to be fiscally responsible, protective of individual rights, attentive to local needs, supportive of families, and responsive to constituents.

Contributions may be made
c/o Andrew Robertson fiscal agent - PO Box 498 - Northwood, NH 03261 or online at ACT BLUE.

FB: Maureen Mann-NH House of Representatives Contact:

Monday, October 8, 2012


I taught my students that our government is as strong as the commitment of its citizens to make it work. I have demonstrated that commitment through my efforts in my community:

I am a retired educator and small business owner. I wrote the grant to start The Forum and have served as a reporter, editor, board member and chair. I have been a library trustee and volunteer, a member of the MBC, involved in the Deerfield Senior Lunch Program, the NH Master Gardener program, the Deerfield Community Church and Nottingham Community Unitarian Church, the Lions, and the Deerfield Fair. I have twice been elected to the NH House from the previous Rockingham District 1.

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